I write in the addiction and mental health space, creating informative profiles to connect people to treatment, voicing our mission through B2B and B2C copy, and writing articles that educate and inform.
I've written articles on a variety of topics with different goals for each piece. Now, I write in the addiction and mental health field, helping people make an informed decision about their treatment. I create brand messaging and contribute to marketing efforts through long and short-form copy.
I've also worked with different clients to craft articles with their keywords, goals, and SEO optimization in mind. I have over one hundred 5-star ratings from these clients.
Experienced in writing in the mental health, addiction, and recovery fields, I aim to bring engagement and interest to every piece I write.
I create pieces that hold a reader's attention, empower, and connect them to treatment. My writing style revolves around this ultimate goal of helping people help themselves.
Outside work, I enjoy writing YA fiction, reading Stephen King, and painting Starry Night in colors it's not supposed to be.
After work and on weekends, I write fiction. I have a lot of fun with YA fiction and am working on a novel in the speculative YA genre, as well as a half-done thriller geared toward new adults. I started writing books at 16 and have been working on a book in some capacity ever since.
Some of my favorite authors include Patrick Ness, Stephen King, Leigh Bardugo, Suzanne Collins, and Dane Bahr. If you want, I can look at your book.
I also have a blog where I talk about mental health and other odds and ends.
Below are pieces of my published work. I contribute to web/brand copy across Recovery.com.
"Shockingly informative."
"Unparalleled level of research and delivery."
"Fantastic work, some of the best in the business."
"Decidingly exquisite, shockingly entertaining. These are a few of my favourite things when reading her work."